Educational Director: Mrs. Bluma Marcus / Rabbi: Shmuel Marcus
Welcome to CteenU Hebrew High.
The meaningful accredited course provides an excellent opportunity for our teenage students to earn credits while receiving a meaningful Jewish education.
2024/25: Jewish Law Course
The CteenU Jewish courses introduces students to Israel, Jewish philosophy, Jewish Law, Jewish Wellness, and Business Ethics. These valuable lessons offer Torah-based tools that enable students to gain self-understanding of what it means to be Jewish and empowers them with an eye-opening unique Jewish world outlook. 10th, 11th and 12th grade students earn college elective credits via Yeshiva University in NY. Transcripts will appear on students records directly from Yeshiva University.
Our 8th and 9th grade program are not enrolled in the YU program.
To Apply for the Mr. G's Scholarship Fund Click Here!
Here are some FAQs about Hebrew High:
When is the first class? Hebrew High runs from Sept through May. Calendar Click Here
What are the Hours? 9:30am to 11:30am
Location: Chabad House Rossmoor
Who is the course instructor? Mrs. Bluma Marcus
Is CteenU Accredited? CTeen U is a joint initiative of Yeshiva University and the Chabad Teen Network. Yeshiva University is the world’s premier Jewish institution for higher education. It is home to a network of undergraduate and graduate programs. The undergraduate programs offer a unique dual curriculum comprising Jewish studies and liberal arts, sciences, and business courses.