Tishrei /
Gittel Erman 2nd of Tishrei
Joel Sandler 3rd of Tishrei
Abraham Horwitz 5th of Tishrei
Hannah bas Alias (Rips) 8th of Tishrei
Susan Basil 15th of Tishrei
Chaim Rael-Brook 17th of Tishrei
Ida Pullman 24th of Tishrei
Abraham Holtzman 30th of Tishrei
Cheshvan /
Chana bas Shlomo Zalman Rubin 2nd of Cheshvan
Beatrice Reiff 3rd of Cheshva
Gary Prince 6th of Cheshvan
Sylvia Marcus 6th of Cheshvan
Aaron Harry Singer 6th of Cheshvov
Joann Hoffman 7th of Cheshvan
Howard Jeffrey Singer 15th of Cheshvon
David Walfisch 23rd of Cheshvan
Irving Goodman 24th of Cheshvan
Alex Gottlieb "Al" 27th Cheshvon
Helen Bergtrom 28th of Cheshvan
Roslyn Zucker 28th of Cheshvan
Isaak Reyngold 28th of Cheshvan
Kislev /
Dolores (Snyder) Wood 5th of Kislev
Fanny Helen Saffian 8th of Kislev
Betty Holtzman 10th of Kislev
Gittel Kvasman 12th of Kislev
Eliyahu Tsalyuk 12th of Kislev
Sadie Sassone 14th of Nissan
Gayle Posner 17th of Kislev
Anna Reyngold 21st of Kislev
Tibor Rubin 23th of Kislev
Yvonne Rubin 24th of Kislev
Tevet /
Dave Pullman Tevet
Samuel Rosen 3rd of Tevet
Paula Hodis 3rd of Tevet
Penina Rockford 4th of Tevet
Ida Basil 4th of Tevet
Robert Becker 6th of Tevet
Anita bas Angela 6th of Tevet
Chaya Kahn 11th of Tevet
Dov Showley, 13th of Tevet
Valentine Krigmont 14th of Tevet
Bernie Rudnick 16th of Tevet
Edward Shinder 22nd of Tevet
Cynthia Telem Silvers 22nd of Tevet
Yehoshua Cohen 25th ot Tevet
Shevat /
Sarah Gitlin 9th of Shevat
Manya Vilenski 15th of Shevat
Marian Helen Casden 20th of Shevat
Nejatollah Youdeem 21st of Shevat
Harriet Levin 23rd of Shevat
Jack Koseff 25th of Shevat
Rivkah Sandler 25th of Shevat
Chaika Tonkon 28th of Shevat
Yehudit Kudon 28th of Shevat
Lenora (Leah) Levy 28th of Shevat
Jacques Lee Hoppus 30th of Shevat
Adar I
Chaim (Mikhail) Vilenski 6th of Adar I
Adolf Hirsch 30th of Adar I
Adar (II)
Lillian Zuckerman Adar 1
Myron Murray Casden Adar 6
Marcia Rockford 7th of Adar
Claire Schechter 10th of Adar II
Tillie Schkloven 16th of Adar II
Dovid ben Yisroel Reuven Rips 17th of Adar II
Miriam Goldberg 19th of Adar II
Shmuel Pullman 19th of Adar
Esther Bat Miriam 22 of Adar II
Mordechai Penner 23rd of Adar II
Sherman Winnick 23rd of Adar
Phyllis Kogan 24th of Adar
Gertrude Zoller 25th of Adar II
Eliyahu Chaim Ben Tzvi Hirsch Rubin 26th of Adar
Dr. Steven A, Moskowitz (Zonvil) 5th of Nissan
Barbra Valancy 14th of Nissan
Leo Hall 14th of Nissan
Efrayim Rogachevsky 16th of Nissan
Iyar /
Esther Koseff 6th of Iyaar
David Allen Flax 10th of Iyaar
Baila Tsalyuk 13th of Iyaar
Evelyn Glick 17th of Iyaar
Donald & Shirley Saltman 20th of Iyaar
Sy Levine 25th of Iyaar
Eleanor Hirsch 27th of Iyaar
Nachum Schnied 1st of Sivan
Blema Wolpow 2nd of Sivan
Lzena Odett Thaxton Schkloven 6th of Sivan
Gitel bas Yitzchak Shmaryahu (Rips) 14th of Sivan
Marvin Stern 16th of Sivan
Miriam Tzimel "Bubby" Friedman 17th of Sivan
Stella Plotnick 18th of Sivan
Bernice Stern 27th of Sivan
Tammuz /
David Yehuda Prihar 1st of Tammuz
Betty Sandler 4th of Tammuz
Moe Fox 6th of Tammuz
Yonat Swartzon 6th of Tammuz
Dr. Robert Miller 6th of Tammuz
Dora Horwitz 8th of Tammuz
Svetlana (Shayna bat Pavel) Panteleyeva Biderman 9th of Tammuz
Chaim Yitzchok "Howard" Rosen 10th of Tammuz
Azriel Fefer 11th of Tammuz
Yosef Gitlin 11th of Tammuz
Ed Allen Goldberg 11th of Tammuz
Martin Levin 12th of Tammuz
Lyla Edith Werner 12th of Tammuz
Rashka Keller 13 Tammuz
Isaac Gamarnik 13th of Tammuz
Charlotte Fefer 17th of Tammuz
Zalman C. Meltzer 17 tammuz,
Alan DeKovner 17th Tammuz,
Sylvia Mink 17th Tammuz,
Mona Feldman 18th of Tammuz
Henrietta Zarovsky-Winkler 19th of Tammuz
Arthur Becker 19th of Tammuz
Pierre Bloshtein 21st of Tammuz
Leonid ben Yefim 21st of Tammuz
Frieda Mitchell 22nd of Tammuz
Shmuel Mitchell 26th of Tammuz
Sidney Blum 27th of Tammuz
Av /
Shmuel Mendel Marcus 5th of Av
Alfred Schechter 7th of Av
Julian Feldman 9th of Av
Alice Mink 9th of Av
Naomi bat Shmaryahu 15th of Av
Frieda Walfisch 18th of Av
Yisroel Reuven Rips 19th of Av
Bella bas Moshe Rips 23rd of Av
Nathan Reiff 23rd of Av
Phyllis Demarest 25 of Av
Maurice Jacob Rubinstein 26th of Av
Elul /
Girsh Shagalov 1st of Elul
Ethel W. Howard 3rd of Elul
Scott Aaron Marcus 4th of Elul
Avraham Yitzchak Cirt 4th of Elul
Yakov Gorodishcher 4th of Elul
Jack Youdeem 6th of Elul
Leonid Bernstein 11th of Elul
Laibel Mink 12th of Elul
Norman Prince 17th of Elul
Rebecca Caplan Rubinstein 21st of Elul
Annabelle Francis Singer 22nd of Elul
Leya Shagalova 24th of Elul
Meidad ben Shmuel Abir 25th of Elul.
Dr. Charles Stillman, Joseph Castler, Jeanette Castler, Samuel Adler, Hilda Adler,
Have kaddish prayers said for your loved ones and have their names printed in the Yizkor memorial book. Click Here